A visual:
A man is walking through a junkyard of black and white.
Nothing has color, and neither does he
All at once he feels helpless and falls to his knees
Under the weight of his own mind
A disease has overtaken this world but he cannot find the remedy
But when his knee caps crash into the amorphous muck
There's a splash and the moon begins to shine mellow for the first time in his memory
Unwittingly he sees color dripping in reverse up his legs
Browns and greens and hues he's never seen
Or at least can't recall
So he begs for more but can only feel the silence
So he continues to splash and fling around this new found substance
Wild like an ape
And the world around him begins to find it's shape
Everything from the rusted-copper piping and twisted concrete
To the weeds that grow strong from the interior of leather seats
Cars piled 5 high now form cornucopias that make him feel alive
Nothing is derelict
Nothing is truly gone
Nothing is ever over
He says to himself loudly for the first time with a voice that he almost didn't recognize
The sky has begun to spot navy and black
Bringing the man back to the childhood that makes him smile
World dripping back into existence in every which direction for miles
So his intensity increases
The sweat does not stop him
His bones are creaking
A crowd begins to form but none of them are speaking
Watching as he smears the liquid over everything within arms reach
The metal is creaking
Cutting his hands
Creatures are scattering away from his wide swings
But birds are singing
All the world must think him mad
But he hasn't seen his hands be brown and crimson like that in years
This is the closest to sane he's been for far too long
But he ran out of tears years ago
So his eyes are burning from the sweat
Until finally the milky tendrils that started at his knees reach his eyes
And all at once the whole world around him
The people
The animals
The sky
The world
And the moonlight washing down over him
With nothing but a blink find their color
Grass had grown thicker since he'd started
The metal formed vases and bones upon which the flowers could grow
And the crowd
Now having faces
We're all smiling and coming in closer
Silently screaming: welcome home
We've missed you
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