
I am clinically depressed

And that always sounds ridiculous to me

Until I wake up and wish I hadn't

Or have another dream where I'm gone only to have the painful reality

That when I wake up I'll find yet another letter

Informing me that others wish I was gone too

Take it all from me, God.

Beat me over the head and burn me with all of this.

Make me feel unworthy of love again

Take my passion away from and push my nose into the shit I leave behind

Don't just cut

But stab and twist until the pain is numbing

Because I can take it

Surround me with the deaths of friends and the blackness of my dreams

Because I can take it

Trip me into pitfalls

Break my back and push me over the railing into the hole of depression

Some say you never really climb out

You just find the means to stop falling

Shackle me tight and brand me with my mistakes

Until the pain is so mountainous

That every day I don't fucking lose it

Is a monumental victory

And when my day finally comes, let me die quietly

So my mangled frame can speak for itself

And say

I made it
