Lucas for Prez?

     On a whim I just decided I'd go ahead and gun for a spot in the SGA ( Student Government Association) and I'm kind of mad that I didn't think to copy and paste onto here the things I wrote but man did I write. Hopefully they don't look too far into the time of reception of the applications, but in the off chance that they do, hopefully they will at least applaud me for my ability to make something out of nothing at 3:34 am with sleepiness enveloping me. I think at times I might have sounded a bit too confident or even cocky... I've been watching Suits too much. But to be fair I actually verbatim said these things and apologized for them at the foot of my application letter. Hopefully they find the humor in that and don't jump to conclusions.
And hopefully I actually make it to my interview.

    Wish me luck! ( to whoever I seem to be writing this blog to)

PS I'm going to the Young Choreographers showing tomorrow with a video-game loving buddy of mine I met a few months ago to see another buddy of mine perform, and I'm very excited.
