Day 7 of the Trip

     It's the final day of our vacation. The train we came in on is now whirring past the same locations I photographed but in the opposite direction. Frustrations are running high as they tend to with family trips, small questions sounding more like jabs. But I've got my headphones and a wonderful drive back to my college town to look forward to, so my patience is holding strong. All my life I've always had a hard time imagining other people going on similar trips and not hitting this same point somewhere along the line. My first thought is "did y'all not sleep in the same hotel? Ride in the same car?" I mean I'm glad they don't bicker, but it's funny to note how different experiences can shape even the littlest aspects of you. 
     The misconception people run in to with all of this is that arguments ruin trips and I think that's just not true. I mean they sure can, but it's not like they always do. My father despite the bickering with my mom, did not obscure that he had a Ton of fun using his vacation hours for something other than another home project. My mother is a gift giver by nature and procuring this whole trip was all to her pleasure. My aunt got to spend more time with her nephews aka her children than she could have asked for. As for my brothers and I, we had a blast gallivanting through the streets of Japan, growing closer with each shared laugh. In a weird way, I think we've rallied quite nicely. No, we're not a new family from this experience. But dang it, we've got beautiful pictures to show and fun, new stories to tell so I say it's a step in the right direction. 
