My Roommate

My Roommate...

Has this problem where he always seems to go to bed clothed...
And wake up naked like a werewolf. 

Where he stands naked in the bathroom after a shower because he doesn't think I'll be back soon...
But damn it I always am.

Or where he leaves butt-tons of hair in the sink (pun intended), or toothpaste splotches,
And I always clean them. 

He will remain asleep through me kicking and dropping things 
Metal and plastic in the night...
But wake the instant I open a door. 

He will offer me countless things 
"Feel free to use this"
"Go ahead and eat that" 
But never actually show me where "this" or "that" may be. 

He does that thing where he will make his bed every morning, and put in his retainers 
Every night,
And still not remember to write that paper for class.

And he has this problem where, if you mention family, he might just get a bit sheepish...
It happens...
And yet I've seen this guy ( or heard him) bring girls back that he is "involved" with.
Or maybe involved isn't the right word- "is sexually attracted to"...
No... Okay the guy just slams young ladies noisily in our room. 
And that time he thought I was asleep? 
I wasn't.
I heard the condom wrapper crinkle and the moans.
But don't bring it up.
I don't want to talk about it. 
No really, I've already washed that night out of my brain. 
I'm not bitter about it at all. 

But he also seems to have this problem where he starts sentences and then stops them,
But not before you could see the gears turning and the thoughts swirling...
Or mutters in his sleep his internal conflicts to the blackness of the room...
Or leaves the door unlocked... 
Or doesn't always really answer my questions...

And you know, I wish I could help...
I really do. 
The Bible teaches that if it is within my ability to do good, to always do it.
And I try to hold to that as much as I can...
But here's the thing.
If I sought him, they would become MY problems... 
Maybe no different than the ones I already lock away in my mind. 
And I don't feel quite ready to shoulder his burdens,
When I'm still fumbling with my own.
