Coaches Say The Darndest Things

Wrestling Coach:
kick ya leg back
I got four words for ya- shut the f*ck
quit lying on your back like a 2 dollar whore
how's ya momma doin?
run ya power half
I. Will. Pin. This. Sissy.
kill yaself boi
ya ever just get ice cream and it all melts, so ya just take a bite out the bottom and drink it?
hit ya headlock
a good wrestler has six knees- 2 kidnees, your 2 knees, and your high-knee ( butt)
I once had a wrestler wit no shoulders- he was pretty good he couldnt be pinned

Football Coaches:
if you're walkin, you're wrong
take off that faggot bracelet ( when people wore those rubber livestrong bracelets)
walk-uh-luh (walking lunge)
hah-knee (high knee's)
bein' on that field should giv' ya half an orgasm boys
bull butter (instead of bullsh*t)
you got peanut butter in your ears?
quit millin' like sheep
don't like the rain? what? you made uh sugar?
knock the piss outta them
are you stupid!?!?
you're fired (when you're sucking that day)
Lucas, if twizler ever called looking for a new mascot, I'd send you
hit the gym, boy
alright, buzz your feet (I'm going to make you cry)
stay in ur win-duh (stay in your window/gap)

Rugby Coach:
sometimes I hate you guys
flip the b*tch (pass the ball)
you don't know a c*nt hair's worth of sh*t about rugby (you don't know anything about rugby)
you know what really chaps my *ss? (you know what really makes me mad?)
you're not a pussy because you're a "pussy", you're a pussy because you're a pussy (?????)
hey kid, look mean, not retarded
if you ran half as much as you spoke, you'd suck a lot less
shut the f*ck up
sometimes I just want to pop a ball, shove it up your *ss, and then inflate it
one more word and ill shove my fist through your *ss and work you like a finger puppet
one time I dreamt I fed a guy into a jet turbine
you're the dumbest smart kid I've ever met
god-d*mmit Lucas
I'm going to uppercut you in the thunder c*nt I swear (??????)
f*ck off
