Just Some Things...

    Here's what I've been up to the last few days:

    Saturday was game day. I played both Varsity and JV against the OKC Men's Team and won both games without any prominent bruises which is a victory in and of itself. My aunt and grandmother were kind enough to come watch me play, and I really took it to heart. I really do like my family a whole lot despite how little I see of them. They dropped off a care package of sorts for me and quickly set off back home. 
Whenever we can, Coach likes for us to fund-raise for the rugby program which pretty much entails doing all of the most absolutely tedious jobs that nobody else would volunteer for. But I mean we got new uniforms this year so at least we see the fruits of our labor. That day I worked some 3 or so hours working a parking lot on the fringe of campus. And by parking lot, I really mean a few large grass fields with smooth, if not completely nonexistent, curbs. Which I guess just makes it that much more "college" and "american". Though the other guys from my team who were assigned there were quite the headache, after some time I was able to tune them out and found the experience rather enjoyable. You know, in like a "well what else would I be doing right now?" kind of way. 
   As soon as my shift ended, I said my goodbyes to the event staff and my teammates and high-tailed it back to my dorm to try and knock out some psychology homework. Which quite quickly just became me watching the OU vs Tennessee game in my room and yelling with my laptop sitting idle behind me with opened up internet tabs on brain anatomy. I never did end up finishing it all. But it was kind of fun. 
    About halfway through the 4th quarter I ended up meeting with my favorite female duo, and we treated ourselves to dinner out on Campus Corner ( corner right past the line of campus that is chalked full restaurants and bars). Diamond Dawgz was the place. The night was chilly, but inside that sardine can that seemed to resemble a restaurant it was easily 15 degrees hotter, Mindful of this, we took our food to-go and had a nice quaint little dinner as the masses roared and bumped and bustled around us. On the way back home, we played this assassin game where we picked out weak links in groups that passed and would pantomime stabbing them and let me tell you... it was remarkably entertaining. A little too entertaining. 
    Once home we met up with some other nerdy friends, and cashed in the last of hour coherent hours at the Union before going to sleep. We conversed around a table and I shared a massive banana split with one of the girls. It was delicious.

    Sunday we had recovery as always. Which doesn't necessarily make it any easier to mentally handle and go to, but it is what it is. All we do is swim a few laps around the OU pool and tread water for 5 minutes, but it's honestly just the soreness that is exacerbated from doing it ( versus the soreness that it's supposed to relieve ) that makes it a real pain. Right after, I pigged out with the usual culprits at Ihop. You know, to switch things up. And once there, oddly enough, upon receiving our food we recognize a man walk in by the name of Joe Mixon. And for those of whoever reads this that don't know, Joe Mixon is a pretty infamous around here now because basically, one night in the not so distant past, he punched a girl who was up in his grill and now faces a year long football suspension. So, naturally one of my friends decided to try and be cheeky and make a post about him on twitter which read: "That awkward moment when Joe Mixon walks into the room and sits by you... Good thing there are no women around". And at first it was admittedly kinda funny. That is, until Joe's football guys all of a sudden got quiet as he read aloud the very tweet my simpleminded friend had made. The emotionless stare that followed was quite possibly the most uncomfortable event I'd been a part of in a very long time, and hoped to never experience again. We ate our food and left pretty quickly after that. Joe laughed it off, but we didn't plan on waiting to see just how funny he thought it was. 
    From there the night was spent at The Crossroads and then in my Minnesotan friend's dorm room before we finally parted ways, drained and happy.  

    Monday, while the sun was out, went as it normally did. Practice was much easier than usual and my government test went well. I think. But that night despite my obligations I went to hangout with my crew again. But this time at the library. That day around 2pm the library opened up a new study/community section laden with new technology, dry erase boards and panes of glass. Inside this haven there's a starbucks, multiple restroom stations, rentable conference rooms, and numerous less-isolated study areas. One of these days I'll take a panoramic and put the photo with this entry so one can understand. It's beautiful. Anyway, we met up here and got after it for some time doing homework and studying for exams the following day. I had a Biz Cal exam and a Psych exam within hours of each other and I felt equally unsure about both of them until I entered that study room... And to be honest I still did once I'd left around 2am. Maybe it's because I couldn't focus with half of the people listening to music and the other half yelling things across the 8x8 ft. room while I attempted to quiz myself. Or that I was sleep deprived and still had laundry to do. But who's to say? 
    Most nights when we walk back I have lots to say and or contribute to the conversation but this time I did not. I wasn't frustrated any longer at this point but very honestly just couldn't find anything to say. 
    Snagging my laundry after being sidetracked by some goofy show my roommate was watching, I finally reached the laundry room in the basement at the wee hour of 2:30 and got to work. At first I thought I'd be able to quietly read Harry Potter and let the calm of it segue into ideally an easy transition to sleeping. You know, with my heart rate being slowed and all. But such is not possible when you make the terrible decision of ordering iced coffee because you think you can just eat/drink like a king whenever you want to... So about 15 minutes pass, it's only halfway through my washing cycle, and every other night owl doing their thing has left at this point. And so has my patience. For the next 15 minutes of the washing process, and the 40 minutes spent on the drying process, I zealously danced my heart out to whatever song my phone played. I noticed quite quickly there were cameras around but it didn't stop me. 
    It had been a long time since I had fully unadulteratedly expressed myself like that and I sopped up every moment the solitude of night offered. 
    It was a bummer to have ruined the shower I had taken only hours before, but who even cares. That's college man. 
