I Don't Make These Things Up (Pt.1)

-Driving home one night, going 50 down an empty street, windows down and cool air flushing through, a June bug the size of jupiter kamikaze-dove into my left freaking iris

-Riding my bike one night, singing passionately in a dark empty park and enjoying myself, a large creature of some sort pelted me right in the teeth

-Once in a self check out area in Kroger, I noticed a wet spot but left it alone because I figured I'd let an employee know once I'd finished checking out. I mean, nobody was around, it was late at night. But of course, as I finish and walk over to an employee, I glance over my shoulder just in time to catch a man straight eating it on the wet spot and flinging everything he was holding everywhere.

-Walking down the halls of one of the schools I went to for PALs, an elderly security guard turned and said to me with a grin " Just cause you've got them pretty legs don't mean you gotta show 'em off boy". managed a quick smile in response and kept walking.

-Throwing myself another one of my personal RnB concerts, I rode my bike around a park only to find that as I sang, a couple nearby who I hadn't seen before started to get frisky. So I essentially "set the mood".

-I decided to jump the wrong fence one day on the way to a friends house, and only noticed minutes later that my shorts had caught and ripped completely up the leg. It was a long walk

-Every year or so, there's an event where an all-Texas all-star team of collegiate football athletes gather to play against the rest of the nation. And in this time, NFL scouts came down not only the players, but also us high schoolers, since our facility was hosting. And that was all fine and dandy until one Seahawks scout pulled me aside, sized me up, then laughed and told me to hit the weights. We had just finished lifting.

-After a concert/ memorable night with a significant other and friends, I thought to close out the night after dropping her off I would give her a peck goodnight. Nothing crazy. But knowing how she was, I asked for permission before hand once we reached her door. You know, to make sure she wouldn't freak out. She said "I don't know" and we stood there for five minutes. Then I hugged her and left, only to have this story resurface the next week and get crap for it endlessly. Lesson Learned- I shouldn't have asked.

-I walked in on a man on the toilet. The gas station's bathroom didn't have a lock so I figured it had more than one stall. And it would have been at least relatively okay, if the man hadn't been completely and utterly naked. No pants around the ankles or anything. Just old, deranged and naked. I quaintly told him to have a nice day and walked out.
